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Oak Wood School

Every Lesson Every Day

High-Quality Teaching at Oak Wood School

every lesson every day model 2023.pdf


Every lesson at Oak Wood School will have clear objectives for pupils that will state:

  • What new knowledge is being taught

  • Want new understanding is being taught

  • What new skills are being taught

We believe that teachers should consider the needs of all the pupils in the class that they are teaching and will plan their objectives accordingly to support the range of needs in the classroom


Lessons at Oak Wood School will be taught using a wide variety of teaching techniques to support the learning needs of our pupils. Teachers will aim to use the most inspiring methods to ensure that pupils learn the new knowledge, understanding and skills that are being taught to them.

An integral part of every lesson is the ‘teacher explanation’ phase. Pupils will be expected to be attentive during this phase of the lesson and then to actively participate during the question-and-answer phase that will follow.

We will insist on high expectations in the classroom. This will include ensuring that every piece of work has the date and a clear title, that the work is kept neat, tidy and organised and that pupils will participate fully in their lessons.


The reality of our education system is that our pupils will be faced with exams at both the end of Year 11 and Year 13. We need to prepare our pupils fully for these exams so that they can leave Oak Wood School with a suite of qualifications that they can be proud of and will enable them to move on to the next stage of their life. Every lesson at Oak Wood School will support pupils in being able to apply the new learning in their lesson to an assessment of some kind.

We expect that our pupils will complete both formal homework (that which is set by the teacher and collected in and marked) and informal homework (the work that a pupil will need to do reviewing the learning that they have been involved in during the day, such as completing a question that they did not finish, organising the work that they have done, or re-reading something that they are not sure about). Our minimum expectations for homework are as follows:

  • Key stage 3 (Years 7 and 8) – Minimum of 1 hour per day

  • Key Stage 4 Years 9, 10 and 11) – Minimum of 1.5 to 2 hours per day

  • Key Stage 5 – Minimum of 2 hours per day

A clear homework timetable will be provided to each pupil so that they are clear about which subject they will be set formal homework for on each day of the week.