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Oak Wood School

Self-Found Work Experience

Work experience has become a challenging venture for schools. With many businesses moving online and flexible working conditions, traditional work experience opportunities are rare. We have designed documentation to allow pupils to be able to use their own contacts and initiative to safely complete ‘Self Found’ work experience.

We will allow pupils up to three days of placement work experience from years 9,10 and 12.

Unfortunately, we will not be able to support work experience for years 7-8 for safeguarding and insurance reasons. Year 11 also need to use all possible school time to prepare for their GCSE’s.

To ensure pupils are not missing any important assessments, placements in the following weeks will not be permitted:

Year 9

16th-20th October

6th- 10th May

Year 10

29th January-2nd February

10th June- 5th July

Year 12

18th -22nd March

10th – 21st June


Please be aware that all placements must have full liability insurance and will be vetted to check their suitability.

Evidence for the experience must also be gathered by the pupil.

Top Tip; Many large companies will only take pupils who organise their own work experience directly, ensuring that the pupils they accept are dedicated to the placement. Make a list of the ten biggest companies that fit your chosen career pathway, then explore their websites for work experience opportunities. 

ows work experience placement form 1 .pdf