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Oak Wood School


At Oak Wood, we take great pride in the quality of pastoral care we provide, ensuring that every student is known and feels valued. We always work in close partnership with teachers, parents, carers and other specialist agencies in order to provide the best opportunities for our young people to develop and succeed.

Our focus is on community and inclusion of which the key components are:

  • Our special educational needs (SEN) provision, including a specialist resource provision for ASD.
  • Our anti-bullying policies and processes that address bullying (physical, verbal, psychological or cyber) in any form (racist, homophobic, biphobic, transphobic, sexist, religious or cultural). We are a Stonewall Champions School.
  • Our Pupil Premium provision, supporting social mobility and inclusion.
  • Our mental health provision, including thorough one-to-one counselling sessions from Place2Be. Students can access Place2Talk at lunch and refer themselves for counselling support.

Please visit the 'Contact Us' section of the school website for email addresses of key staff.


We recognise that many young people require additional support due to behavioural, emotional, communication, medical or academic reasons.

Whenever this need is identified, we support to your child to make progress in their learning, their emotional and social development, and their independence. With an experienced SEN team, we work in partnership with home, involving parents and carers and regularly reviewing support plans.

For more information about Special Educational Needs at Oak Wood School please see our SEN Information Report.