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Oak Wood School

Year 8

Ms A Harrison

Year 8 is an exciting time full of new experiences and opportunities. By now, you have settled into the rhythm of secondary school life, and you are more confident navigating the school, making new friends and taking on new challenges. In Year 8, you get to explore more subjects in greater depth, discover new interests through clubs and activities, and start thinking about what you enjoy most. It’s a year where you continue to grow, both academically and personally, building on the foundation you set in year 7 while preparing for the exciting years ahead. Our job is to help you on this journey and to make sure you reach your end destination and achieve everything you possibly can.

Favourite Part of the Job

I have two favourite parts of the job, one, the quick wins! Knowing that you’ve turned a pupil’s day around with a simple fix, and two… seeing pupils mature over the course of their school journey. It is such a privilege to be a part of the development of young adults and it feels most special when you see it unfold gradually overtime.

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